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Fee Payable Licensing FAQs and Set Up

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Can you tell me how to price my permissions?

Due to competition law, we are unable to advise on how much you should charge for your permissions.

Once I set my prices, can I change them?

PLSclear's pricing grids can be adjusted at any time, allowing you to trial different fees to find the right price for your content.

Pricing is updated in real time so as soon as you set your pricing, any new requests will be quoted on your new fees.

I don't own full rights to my titles. Can I use the programme if I don't want to fully automate my permissions?

Absolutely - you don't have to automate your licensing to use the Fee Payable Licensing Programme.

The programmes in PLSclear offer two levels of automation: fully automated or a manual review of requests before licensing.

What happens if the system calculates a price for £0 for a request?

Any requests that have a price calculated for £0 will be flagged for a manual review in your Request Manager.

You can then either adjust the price or issue a free of charge licence by entering £0 into the quotation box.

Fee Payable Licensing Programme Set Up

Please see the following guide on how to include and exclude titles from the Fee Payable Licensing programme.

Including and Excluding Titles in the FPL Programme

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